I guess that's what happens when the 10 month birthday falls on a "school day". So anyways, I'm a couple of days late, but here are the girls' 10 month photos and stats.
It seems like the girls have morphed from babies into little girls over the last 2 months. Most days, there are a total of no less than 25 falls, and at least 1 or 2 bruises. Their teeth are popping through and they are actually eating "real" food! They LOVE cheese, deli turkey, crackers, pears, and spinach ravioli. They are NOT so fond of Jello and Spaghettios with Meatballs (one of mom's favorites). The girls are learning how to clap, high-five, wave bye-bye, do "so-big", and play peek-a-boo. They both say, "dada" (a lot), bottle, and "mama" (randomly). Ava rearranges the kitchen chairs daily, while Izzy is redecorating the Christmas tree or turning on and off the DVR. Needless to say, there is never a dull moment in our household. We are loving every minute of it!
Happy 10 Month Birthday, Izzy! |
Happy 10 Month Birthday, Ava! |