Monday, October 31, 2011

Our first Halloween

The girls and I were in costume and all set to go right when Cory walked in the door at 5:30. We had three stops on our agenda. A. Mom and Dad's. B. Cory's mom and dad's. C. Dan and Michelle's (girls' daycare on Th and F). Everything went as planned, except in between points A and B, and B and C. Whaaaa, whaaa, waaaaaa! Screaming is all we heard in the car on the way to each of our destinations. Lucky for us, the girls were as happy as can be once we took them out of the car at each stop. Wheew. It made for a long night. But so worth it in the end! We all had a blast trick or treating on our first Halloween as a family!

The girls love their jack-o-lanterns

Izzy & Ava- yes, Izzy is the cow

Ava the lamb

Izzy the cow

Grandpa Leo and Grandma Joli with the girls

Grandpa John and Grandma Lee with the girls

Michelle and Dan with the girls... Love the penguin getup!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Izzy is tired of Ava bulling her. Today she retaliated.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

This weekend we decided to carve pumpkins with the girls for Halloween. I had high hopes of letting the girls play in the pumpkin goo to make it an "experience", but that all changed when I stuck my hand in and came out with a nasty stank and pumpkin guts up to my elbows. It is bath night and all, but we decided it was best if the girls watched the process from the exersaucers. They were very interested in what we were doing and enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Here are a few photos from the big carving event.

Mama hard at work

Daddy hard at work

Finished product

Ava and Izzy don't quite know what to think

Our attempt at a family photo using the timer function... ha!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Please don't report us to CPS.

So after Ava had mysteriously escaped from the exersauer today, Cory and I were dying to find out how in the world she did it. So, like good parents, we got out the video camera to do a little detective work. We used Mazy's red ball as bait and it didn't take long for us to see the escape artist in action... Harry Houdini would be proud.

Ava Houdini
Harry Houdini


Friday, October 21, 2011

Easily entertained...

Mirrors are cool!

Food always does the trick

Tile floor = loud noises when you bang

When all else fails...Johnny Jump Up

No need to play IN the exersaucer

Who knew the vent would provide entertainment?

Monday, October 10, 2011

My First Quilt

Well, after sewing about 12 of the 20 squares of a rag quilt I was making on a Dress Maker II (aka tiny sewing machine that is meant to make Barbie clothes), I broke down and bought a REAL sewing machine! I got a "Brother XL2600I Sew Advance Sew Affordable 25-Stitch Free-Arm Sewing Machine". Yeah, I know, that's a mouthful. Although I have no idea what a "free arm" sewing machine means, or what the heck the 25 stitches look like or are used for, I think I'm really going to like it! I bought the material for two quilts: one for Izzy's first birthday and one for Ava's first birthday. I have 4 months to finish them. Ready... set... go!

My first quilt

It was made for a friend's baby girl

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sisterly Love

Ava may be smaller, but she's the dominant baby... at this point anyways!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

8 Months Old... and our first cold!

Ava and Izzy are 8 months old now! They are changing each and every day. Their hair is becoming thicker, they are chattering and making new sounds, they are eating lots of new foods, and Ava is CRAWLING! Ahhhh! And Izzy isn't too far behind! We are in trouble! The days of sitting back and watching the girls play on the blanket are over. Just this morning, I had to jump up and grab Ava as her hands were deep down in the dog food dish. Let the fun begin!

And now for the sad news... the girls have their first colds. Poor honeys. I guess this is the first of many. At least we got 7 healthy months out of them. And to top it off, Cory is pretty sick too. I'm not sure what's worse, Cory being sick and whiny, or the girls. Hmmm...

Ava Mae

Izzy Lou

And.... they're off!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

We've got a crawler!

Ava doesn't hold still for very long! And when she's off, she's usually getting into something she's not supposed to be. Her new interests are tissues, cords, camera parts and the vent cover. The baby proofing has begun!         

Monday, October 3, 2011

Our hair is growing!

Ever since we found out we were having twin girls, I started a nice little (not so little) collection of hair accessories. The girls are able to wear their fancy headbands, and have been since birth, but the hair bows and clips have had to wait. Until now that is!

Ava- pink, sassy bow clippy

Izzy- lovely ladybug clippy