Tuesday, November 29, 2011

But it's so sparkly!

The Christmas tree went up the day after Thanksgiving. That is the first time it has gone up that early in my entire existence. I wanted the girls to be able to ogle it for as long as possible! Cory was thrilled, to say the least. He was worried that one of them would pull it over, which I suppose is possible, we still have at least 26 days until Christmas. Anyways, I cranked up the Christmas music, we put up the tree, Cory fluffed the heck out it (he thinks that's the most important part), and I decorated it. When the girls got up from their nap, they ogled! And boy is the tree beautiful! Ever since then the girls have been pretty good about staying away from the tree. They haven't really wanted to touch it... until now!

Monday, November 28, 2011

A First...

TOOTH! On Thanksgiving Day, we were all a little thankful when Izzy got her first tooth. However, the whining will be a constant in our household for awhile... at least until the girls get most of their teeth. I guess we'll just have to get used to it.  Nice work, Izzy!

Her 1st tooth- top, left

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

So Big

The girls are growing up WAY too fast! The other day I noticed that their feet hang out of their car seats    :: tear::       :: sniffle, sniffle::

Not only that, they are using sippy cups now, reading books by themselves and standing in their cribs.

Before we know it, they will be ONE!

Izzy up on her knees

Ava enjoying a book about farm animals

The girls saying, "Bye, bye mama!"
Ava wanting to get out of her crib

Monday, November 21, 2011

Am I seeing double?

Today the girls found a new form of entertainment. They always like to hang out in mom and dad's room, and usually there are a million obstacles in their way: a clothes hamper, pillows, and other junk. Today, they made it all the way over to the mirror... and they liked what they saw!

Izzy liked to give herself kisses

Ava liked to bang on her reflection

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

9 Months Old... So Big!

Today the girls are 9 months old. Over the last month, lots of things have changed! Both of the girls are crawling, pulling themselves up on furniture (and people, doors...really anything they can), feeding themselves finger food, drinking out of sippy cups, chattering, giving kisses, mimicking, and playing with each other. It's amazing how fast they learn to do new things. It has been so much fun to watch them grow! Cory and I look forward to the next month of changes... I'm thinking we may have a walker soon!

Happy 9 Month Birthday, Izzy!

So big!

Happy 9 Month Birthday, Ava!
She does not look pleased!

Ava is always on the go...
Enjoying a book together... Really the only way to get
them to hold still!

The brush helped too...

Payoff after a long photo shoot.