Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Two sick babies and a tree tent.


Most of my day was filled with cuddling two sick babies.

The rest of my day was spent
playing in our new tree tent...
fun was had by all!

Christmas Extravaganza...

We made it through 3 days of Christmas, including 5 celebrations. Our girls are troopers! It's quite amazing that there were no major melt downs! The girls managed to keep their cool after we forced them into the arms of semi-strangers (relatives that we haven't seen in awhile), deprived them of naps, kept them up hours after their 7:30 pm bedtime, and shoved pureed baby food down their throats (only because it was convenient and neater than finger food). They should really win some sort of award! Words cannot express the excitement and happiness we have all experienced over the past few days. Ava and Izzy have filled out lives with so much joy! And to say the least, we had a very merry Christmas.

Merry Xmas, Izzy!
Merry Xmas, Ava!

Grandma & Grandpa taking a break to feed the girls

Finally they can touch the presents!

Izzy likes the new toy cars

Mama helps the girls open presents

Christmas morning- Ava loves her doll

Family photo

They love their new riding toys

Poor Ava was not in the mood for photos



Grandma & Grandpa

Christmas Breakfast at Great Grandma Luella's

Saturday, December 10, 2011

10 Months... and 2 days

I guess that's what happens when the 10 month birthday falls on a "school day". So anyways, I'm a couple of days late, but here are the girls' 10 month photos and stats.

It seems like the girls have morphed from babies into little girls over the last 2 months. Most days, there are a total of no less than 25 falls, and at least 1 or 2 bruises. Their teeth are popping through and they are actually eating "real" food! They LOVE cheese, deli turkey, crackers, pears, and spinach ravioli. They are NOT so fond of Jello and Spaghettios with Meatballs (one of mom's favorites). The girls are learning how to clap, high-five, wave bye-bye, do "so-big", and play peek-a-boo. They both say, "dada" (a lot), bottle, and "mama" (randomly). Ava rearranges the kitchen chairs daily, while Izzy is redecorating the Christmas tree or turning on and off the DVR. Needless to say, there is never a dull moment in our household. We are loving every minute of it!

Happy 10 Month Birthday, Izzy!

Happy 10 Month Birthday, Ava!

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Day in the Life of an Elf

Over the weekend, all of the Roehl's took a trip downtown to see the Macy's 8th floor display and the Hollidazzle. Of course we picked the day that it was going to snow. I know grandma was pleased about that! There was so much to see! The girls loved every minute of it. We only caught about 10 minutes of the parade, but 10 minutes was enough. It was very crowded and we clearly didn't get out there on time because we were forced to watch the parade over peoples' heads!  Watching the girls' expressions as the snow hit their faces was priceless. It was all well worth it. Now we know what to plan for come next year! 
Daddy and Izzy waiting in line


Mama and Ava waiting patiently

Cousin Joe takes a turn holding Izzy

Hi Ava!

The girls are ready to roll!
Gramps, Savannah, Cory and Joe... pictures in line

Mama and Izzy at the parade

Daddy and Ava at the parade

Family photo at the parade... thanks Auntie Sheree!