Sunday, March 25, 2012

1 Year Photo Shoot

About a month ago, the girls had their 1 year pictures taken by Sara Bee Photography. She has taken the girls' picture since they were born and she does such a nice job. We LOVE her work! Here are a few shots...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A few close-ups...

I just unpacked the camera, so I thought I would take a few shots of the girls playing. I just realized,  both of them are starting to get curls!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We moved!

Over the weekend, we moved into our new house! We are exhausted, excited, overjoyed, and almost unpacked! The girls have been exploring their new home and are obsessed with the "little people" windows. They love wondering from window to window to take a peek at what's happening outside. They didn't have that luxury at the old house. For the most part we are settled... next step, window treatments- ACK!

Izzy relaxing in her new chair
Ava sitting still for a quick pic

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Four Generations and a 90th Birthday

Sneak Peek

A couple of weekends ago, the girls had their one year photo shoot with Sara Bee Photography. It was super fun to watch them in the spot light! Here is a sneak peek of the fun they had... More to follow!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Crazy Hair

This is what happens when your pony falls out when you are sleeping... made me giggle!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Things are getting a little messy around here.

I decided it's about time that I start introducing the "fork and spoon/feed yourself" concept to the girls. My mom got them each a princess dining set for their birthday, so I dug them out and we got started. Surprisingly, they actually got food from the fork into their mouths (one out of five times)! They did need a little extra help getting the food to actually stick to the fork. This will definitely be a work in progress, and a messy one at that.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Snow Day

Most of the state got a snow day on Wednesday, except Hopkins of course. We got a "late start". Good enough. That gave me time to have some much needed girl talk by having coffee with a friend, and time to correct mounds of papers when I finally got to school. When I got home, I decided I would let the girls "experience" snow for the first time (got the idea from a friend at work, thanks!). It was pretty funny! Izzy liked touching and eating the snow, and made crazy faces throughout. But Ava did not want any part of it! She touched it with ONE finger and cried the entire time.