Thursday, December 20, 2012

My little angels.

You always hear horror stories about toddlers not wanting to sleep or stay in their "big girl" beds. Well, we tried it for the first time last night. I had Plan A and Plan B and Plan C and so on for when the little darlings resisted. To my surprise... THEY DIDN'T MAKE A PEEP! They stayed in their beds all night long from 7:30 pm to 6:30 am. They didn't even fall out (which was another one of my fears). I'm hoping this is the start to a good thing. :::Fingers crossed:::

6:30 am... Ava is sound asleep!

6:30 am... Izzy is sound asleep!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Big Girls... Ready or not.

Over the next few months, whether they like it or not, Izzy and Ava are going to have to transform into big girls. My plan is to attempt potty training (notice I said "attempt") and if the girls are ready, I will be one happy mama. If they're not, I know it won't be too terribly long that I will have 4 in diapers (ho hum). And today their big girls beds came! They are very excited to try them out. I'm not too excited for them to be free, lol! We'll see how it goes, I'll do an update on that in a few weeks.

The girls love sitting on their potties. We practice, no success yet.

Izzy is in complete awe of her new bed... thanks gma & gpa!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Well, he definitely wasn't the Santa depicted on TV, that's for sure! Surprisingly, the girls did great... no tears at all! Santa on the other hand, he's going to have a long day ahead of him (we were only his second customers).

Monday, December 17, 2012

My little bakers.

Over the weekend, while Cory was painting the girls' new "big girl" room (that will be a post coming up!), the girls and I decided to stay busy by doing a little baking. I found a yummy cookie recipe on Pinterest (of course), so we whipped up the dough early in the morning and let it chill. By 11:00 we were ready to cut out our cookies, pop them in the oven, and decorate! Izzy and Ava loved decorating the cookies, but loved eating them and licking the frosting off even more! They made a huge mess, but enjoyed every minute of it. We may have to make another batch before Christmas!

Friday, December 14, 2012

From one extreme to another...

While Cory and I were laying at the pool...

Izzy and Ava were playing in the snow for the first time.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hollidazzle Fun!

Over the weekend, we met the family at the Macy's 8th Floor Display and then went to watch the Hollidazzle Parade. The weather was beautiful! It was like 43 degrees! We still need to perfect the planning part of the whole trip. There was a lot of waiting (no way around that) and our seats (standing room only) weren't that great, but we were warm! The girls loved all of the pretty lights! Izzy kept screaming, "MORE! Ho, ho, ho!" The best part of it all was when the girls got to see Santa at the end of the parade. They were beyond excited!

This was after a lot of waiting! Two happy girls! LOL!
More waiting...
Loving the parade...
Izzy had a great seat!