Thursday, February 14, 2013

The day of love.

I'm still feeling pretty down in the dumps with this Influenza A business, so it has been pretty low key around here. Poor Cory has taken on the roll of "single dad" for the last four days (along with the help of all the grandparents, thank goodness for them). This morning Cory got the girls up and dressed for daycare and he was so thoughtful... He made sure to dress them in hearts. What a great dad! For dinner, I dragged myself out of bed and made the girls pink, heart shaped, sprinkle pancakes (a V-Day tradition). And Cory swung through the old BK drive-through and picked me up a whopper. He also surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. I couldn't have asked for a better Valentine's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Such a good daddy... and such a good mommy to drag your sick @$$ out of bed for the girls... you both rock!
