Sunday, July 31, 2011

New Toys!

Up until yesterday, I hadn't been out of the house for ten days, yes you read that right, TEN DAYS! So I was super excited to have had the pleasure of attending a friend's bridal shower that had yummy treats and great company. And today, I got to go out of the house again! A had a facial and shellac manicure to pamper my broken self. My back is starting to feel much better, thanks to all of my babysitters and some oral steroids (and of course some narcotics and muscle relaxers). The girls have been having so much fun with all of the visitors! Grandma Joli brought over a Johnny Jump Up that grandpa found downstairs. Izzy and Ava both enjoyed it so much we bought another one! And... the girls are FINALLY big enough for the BOB! YAY! Now I just need to heal so I can take them out and about! For now daddy will have to be doing the jogging. I hope all of you had a great weekend!

Ava bouncin' around
Izzy hangin' around
Trying out the Bob in the living room

Friday, July 22, 2011

What would I do without my family and friends?

I've been a bit immobile these last few days... unfortunately, a herniated disc from my past came back to haunt me. I'm unable to pick up my babies and I feel so helpless! Thank goodness for family and friends! I would have never made it through the week without my mama, mama-in-law, dad, and BFFs Julie and Leanne... Oh and of course Cory, poor Cory has had to do everything around here! He pretty much has won Husband AND Father of Year. Thank you everyone!

The girls love to snuggle Grandpa
You can always count on Grandma
Izzy and Ava love to play with Leanne

Grandma is a trooper, she spent the WHOLE day with us!
Nurse Julie with Izzy (1 mo. old)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Then... and now...

Izzy's 1st bath at home
Izzy loves to have her hair washed

Ava loves to splash around in the tub
Ava's 1st bath at home


All clean Izzy!


Ready to snuggle Ava

It's amazing how much the girls have changed in 5 short months. Just the other day, I was reminiscing with Cory about how tiny the girls used to be, and how they would just melt into our arms and fall asleep at any given moment. Those days are far and few between. Ava and Izzy are wiggle worms and don't want to miss a beat! They are very curious and interested in what is going on around them. Every now and then I get a snuggle... and believe me, I embrace every second!

Friday, July 15, 2011

It's hard to say goodbye.

It doesn't matter if you know the day will be coming soon, it's still hard to say goodbye. Grandma Betty lost her battle with cancer last night. Boy was she a fighter! Her goal was to be here to meet the girls when they were born in February. She surpassed that goal and made it all the way until July! The first time we brought the girls out of the house after they were born was to surprise Grandma Betty and Grandpa John at the nursing home. The look on grandma's face was priceless! We enjoyed packing up the car on the weekends to head down to visit the nursing home. Everyone there knew who "the twins" were! We would walk in and people would say, "Betty's twins are here!" It was so sweet to watch great grandma snuggle the girls, she sure did love her babies! We're going to miss Grandma Betty very much.

Grandma Betty made a trip to our house to see the girls!

Grandma Betty & Grandpa John

Ava with great grandma
Izzy with great grandma

Ava snuggles grandma
Izzy gives grandma a smile

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Milestone for Mama...

I attempted the impossible, and low and behold... it was possible! I went to Target with both babies! A journey that I had been unsure about for a very long time, until now. Not only did I pick up the kiddie birthday present I went for, I managed to find a clearance pair of shoes! Score! Not to mention the baby sunglasses, hair bows and other "much needed" items that found their way into my cart... Target lovers, you know how that goes!

Not much room for the goods!
Ava couldn't wait to try out her new sunglasses

Izzy loves her new chic sunglasses
Hanging out on the deck
And... the clearance shoes!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What hurts them will only make them stronger...

About a month and a half ago, playtime meant laying next to each other on the jungle mat staring up at the hangy toys. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, the girls started grabbing the hangy toys (maybe on purpose, but mostly on accident). Playtime has changed quite a bit since those days! The jungle mat no longer comfortably accommodates two babies. And Ava seems to thing it is more of a jungle gym, than a mat! Here's an example of what our playtime has turned into... rough and tough... "you get in my space, I bite your leg!"

Monday, July 11, 2011

How to make an insomniac giggle...

Well, last night was one of those nights. Ava and Izzy just didn't want to go to sleep (it was a minimal nap day as well). It was well after their bedtime... the girls had been fed, bathed and cuddled (to the max), but nothing seemed to calm the beasts. Except... daddy and his belly rides! Yep, that's right, BELLY RIDES! Here is a video and a couple of photos for your viewing pleasure.

AND the video works! 

Ava enjoying her belly ride

Friday, July 8, 2011

149 days ago...

Two beautiful baby girls were born! It's hard to believe that the girls are 5 months old already! Time sure is flying by. Izzy and Ava have brought so much joy into our lives! They are changing so much everyday. Here is what they can do:
  • roll over (from belly to back)
  • scoot around on their backs in a complete circle (and all around their cribs)
  • smile BIG
  • giggle & belly laugh
  • coo
  • screech & scream
  • Izzy makes a motorboat noise with her lips
  • grab and hold toys (and hair, earrings, necklaces, clothing...)
  • hold their heads at a 90* angle while on their tummies
  • sit up in bumbo chair and exersaucer
  • suck thumb (Izzy has been since we brought her home, it's new for Ava)   
 Isabella Lou

 Ava Mae

Izzy & Ava

Aww... holding hands

All tuckered out... too many pictures, mama!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Babies can sleep anywhere.

It always amazes me the amount of noise that babies can sleep through. Or where they can fall asleep. But what amazes me the most, is when the girls have clearly not had enough sleep, because of a mixed up scheduled or missed naps, they will do everything in their power to NOT sleep. They will fight sleep like they are fighting for their lives! They will uncontrollably cry for no apparent reason at all, except that they are tired! It is very frustrating! But in the end, there is nothing more precious than~ a sleeping baby. And better than that, is a sleeping baby in your arms.

The "tired" face

The tired "CRY"

Izzy sleeps in the chair after a long day
One screams, the other sleeps!
Izzy in another crazy position

Snuggle time
Sometimes the swing does the job
Ava asleep at last

Isabella gives up on "the fight"