Monday, July 18, 2011

Then... and now...

Izzy's 1st bath at home
Izzy loves to have her hair washed

Ava loves to splash around in the tub
Ava's 1st bath at home


All clean Izzy!


Ready to snuggle Ava

It's amazing how much the girls have changed in 5 short months. Just the other day, I was reminiscing with Cory about how tiny the girls used to be, and how they would just melt into our arms and fall asleep at any given moment. Those days are far and few between. Ava and Izzy are wiggle worms and don't want to miss a beat! They are very curious and interested in what is going on around them. Every now and then I get a snuggle... and believe me, I embrace every second!


  1. I can't believe how much they have grown! Thanks for posting the then and now really puts it into!

  2. Isn't it crazy to see the difference!
