Friday, July 22, 2011

What would I do without my family and friends?

I've been a bit immobile these last few days... unfortunately, a herniated disc from my past came back to haunt me. I'm unable to pick up my babies and I feel so helpless! Thank goodness for family and friends! I would have never made it through the week without my mama, mama-in-law, dad, and BFFs Julie and Leanne... Oh and of course Cory, poor Cory has had to do everything around here! He pretty much has won Husband AND Father of Year. Thank you everyone!

The girls love to snuggle Grandpa
You can always count on Grandma
Izzy and Ava love to play with Leanne

Grandma is a trooper, she spent the WHOLE day with us!
Nurse Julie with Izzy (1 mo. old)

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